Fair Winds Pet Hospice
By appointment only, weekday, after hours and weekend availability.
Driving Directions:
At the corner of 67th street and Stewart Road, connected to Home Team Storage in Retail Suites. Suite 112. Plenty of parking in front of office.
About Us
As of September 2022, Fair Winds Pet Hospice provides quality of life assessments, telemedicine, advanced pain management and comfort care to senior and geriatric pets, compassionate euthanasia, and assistance with pet cremation services for all of Galveston County. The Fair Winds facility, located on Galveston Island, is a space built to suit the needs of aging pets and the caregiving family, featuring rooms with beautiful couches, chairs, rugs and decor simulating a home environment for added comfort and functionality. There are no cold steel tables and sterile looking rooms at Fair Winds, so you and your pet won't feel like you're in a hospital environment while receiving care from experts in the field. Fair Winds exists for families needing guidance and information during the most important stage of a pet's life, while providing the best, most comprehensive symptom management for pets who are aging, terminally-ill, or in discomfort. It's never to early for pets to come into our program, as some of our patients stay healthy with us for a longer than expected period of time because their quality of life is being managed by experts credentialed in this unique type of care. Fair Winds is a nautical term used in combination with 'and following Seas' as a gesture of good luck and safe travels to those we will miss who have served us with honor and courage. Fair Winds promises to make this final voyage for pets and their loving families a safe and calm guided journey into the sunset.
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